Bains, Bunting & Pusey
Your Independent Voice
for The Missendens

Your Community, Our Priority, Better Future

Local Roots, Real Results

We live here, raise our families here, and work here. For years, we've already been solving local problems as parish councillors:

  • Caralyn: Helping with HS2 issues and making roads safer

  • Catherine: Starting the Community Fridge and organising local events

  • Ross: Using his farming background and business experience to help our area

Your Voice, not Party Politics

We are independents because we believe Westminster parties don't understand our local needs. When elected, we will:

  • Listen to YOU, not party bosses

  • Make decisions based on what's best for our communities

  • Work together without party conflicts getting in the way.

  • Be able to do more with fewer barriers

Time for Change That Works

Buckinghamshire has had the same party in charge for 130 years. We believe it's time for a change because:

  • Some current and prospective councillors don't even live in our area, where do their loyalties lie?

  • Many problems remain unsolved year after year

  • Our communities deserve better attention and support

Meet the candidates

Caralyn Bains

A Prestwood resident for 22 years, Caralyn has raised her family here, with children attending local schools and thriving in this community. She still has two children in the local Junior school.

With a deep-rooted connection to the area, combined with a professional background in local government, community development, and cohesion, Caralyn is self employed and works locally. She has also served as a parish councillor for South Heath for the past 18 months, demonstrating a commitment to making a real, positive difference. Caralyn’ s successes have included supporting the community with challenges involving HS2, and championing safer roads, better traffic management and road safety in regard to highways and clear communication around roadworks. Caralyn also volunteered to provide trauma coaching for the NHS during Covid.

Caralyn is confident that she will be able to continue and further her community focused work as an elected Bucks Councillor. 

Catherine Bunting

Originally from Devon, Catherine has lived in Prestwood for 12 years with her son attending local schools, and dogs walked in our beautiful countryside here daily!  She works as a recruiter, specialising within the environmental and sustainability sector and the charity sector.

Being heavily involved in the Covid volunteer scheme locally,  Catherine has also served as a parish Cllr for the past 4 years and been an active member of the planning committee and open spaces committee.  In her spare time, she is one of the founders of Prestwood Community Fridge, has organised numerous local litter picking events, and has run initiatives such as the climate café,  walk to school week, and a number of other community events.  Believing very much that a strong sense of community is beneficial to all, she is often frustrated that party politics prevents good  decisions being made for local people, and this is why she is standing at County level this May.

Ross Pusey

Born to a renowned farming family locally, Ross trained as an engineer, and is still farming, and is a business owner and family man, with experience in transport and infrastructure.  His children attend local schools and he is immersed in community activities, he has also sat as a parish Cllr for the past 6 years.

Ross is a member and regular attendee on committees for planning, open spaces, and HS2. Ross enjoys the  opportunity to learn and understand the process of local governance through these activities,  and values the ability to speak on behalf of local residents.

Dissatisfied with the service afforded to the community over recent years, Ross has made the decision to stand as a Bucks Councillor to ensure that he is in a position to have greater agency over decisions that affect the Missendens.

Ross doesn’t believe that party politics has any place within local government and does not benefit local people.

Local Elections: 1 May 2025

With elections every 4 years,  Buckinghamshire Council is currently made up of 147 elected Councillors, and on May 1st reduces to 97.  These serve across 49 wards.  The Missendens is one of only 10 wards to have 3 Councillor seats.

Buckinghamshire has been under Conservative control for 130 years.  Bains, Bunting and Pusey feel that after 130 years, we should either feel that that Bucks is in great shape, or we should be looking to change the status quo!

Each political party will field candidates.  We know that some of these candidates won’t live in the area.  We know that some looking for re-election have failed to put the community first over the past 4 years. 

We don’t believe that party politics has any place within local government.  Party leaders in Westminster don’t know our communities, they don’t understand our huge opportunities, they also don’t see our many challenges.

We are standing as independent candidates, enabling us to work for our community without a party whip.  We won’t be conflicted between what we are told to do by a party line, and what our community tells us they need.

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Contact Us

We want to hear from you, and to understand what you want from us in the coming 4 years. Please drop us a line by filling in the form here or writing to us at: